Having dispatched Corbyn, the smear industry is targeting icons like Ken Loach and Roger Waters over their support for Palestinian rights and opposition to Nato’s war machine.
Having dispatched Corbyn, the smear industry is targeting icons like Ken Loach and Roger Waters over their support for Palestinian rights and opposition to Nato’s war machine.
The stark difference in treatment of the two truth-tellers is a measure of how state criminality is now completely unchecked.
Coverage of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and Nord Stream pipelines shows a western media willing to prioritise anti-Russian propaganda over facts.
The BBC’s new Verify service won’t hold its own journalists to account. It will help the UK government justify greater censorship.
From lobbying for fighter jets to supplying depleted uranium, the UK is making sure escalation is the only way forward.
Israel’s undoing will not be an attack from Arab states or international sanctions. Rather, its leaders have created a monster they can no longer tame.
Labour’s ‘attack ads’ focus on law and order because Starmer has no intention of tackling the issues destroying UK society.
Netanyahu has as much to lose as gain from hostilities. But with religious extremists dictating his agenda, he may find it hard to avoid setting the region ablaze.
Once again, the British state broadcaster is using a bogus ‘neutrality’ to trick its audience into siding with Israeli state oppression.
In pushing through his ‘judicial overhaul’, Netanyahu wasn’t destroying ‘Israeli democracy’. He was richly exploiting the lack of it.
The Holy Land and Us hides the real villains: Western governments that left Jews with only one credible escape route from European antisemitism, by dispossessing Palestinians.
Endless indulgence from Israel’s supporters in the West has cleared a path to a fascist government intent on ‘wiping out’ Palestinian communities.
By waging an all-out war not only on his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, but on the left and its ideas, Starmer has strangled hope of change in a time of crisis. In the process, he risks driving voters towards right-wing authoritarians.
The Twitter Files have lifted the lid on a secret alliance between Silicon Valley, intelligence agencies and the political establishment.
The US said it wanted to free Syrians from a tyrant. Then it was willing to let them die of cold and hunger. The truth: for the West, Syria is simply about power.
Increasingly, the Ukraine war looks like a feature – rather than a bug – of Washington’s post-Cold War planning.
In slapping down an MP for decrying Israel’s new government, the Labour leader has left supporters of Palestinian rights politically homeless.
Nearly a year after Russia’s invasion, the western narrative of an ‘unprovoked’ attack has become impossible to sustain.
By defying Netanyahu and visiting Al-Aqsa, Itamar Ben-Gvir showed he has the whip hand in Israel’s new ultra-right government. He has plenty more provocations up his sleeve to set the region alight.
Jewish Power now has dozens of ways to inflame Palestinians into all-out confrontation. A third intifada has never felt closer.